
In recent weeks, along with my multiple opponents, I have been interviewing for the job of representing Austin in Congress during the next two years–that’s really what each election for a two-year term is all about.  Groups of concerned Democrats across Travis County have been conducting the interviews.  The most important endorsement I seek though is yours.

Thanks to the following for their endorsement of my reelection in CD37:

  • University (of Texas) Democrats (UDems)
  • NXNW North x Northwest Democrats
  • Central Austin Democrats
  • Capital Area Progressive Democrats
  • Liberal Austin Democrats
  • West Austin Democrats
  • South Austin Dems
  • Circle C Dems
  • AFSCME Local 1624
  • Austin Tejano Democrats
  • Texas AFL-CIO
  • Austin Central Labor Council
  • Northeast Travis County Democrats

Key National Endorsements, among others:

  •  Planned Parenthood Action Fund
  • Reproductive Freedom for All

Thank you, for the encouragement and support, especially throughout these recent weeks. The low turnout does signal how much work remains to ensure Democratic victories in the General Election in November.

There are no unimportant elections and no unimportant races. From the courthouse to the statehouse to the Congress, I will be working for Democratic victories.

Make A Donation

We couldn’t spread our message of equality and opportunity for all as effectively without your financial support.
Contribute to Lloyd’s efforts today to help him work for us to move our country forward and ensure victory up and down the 2022 ballot.